
Family Promise helps local families in the Spokane, WA area coordinate resources to address their family needs in the form of homelessness. The organization has partnerships taping into local resources to help families regain the confidence after dealing with homelessness. 
Problem Statement:
Case Managers at Family Promise Spokane are tasked with filling out paperwork for families. At times the paperwork can be over 200 pieces of loose paper. Case Managers need a standard process to manage families in the form of a Customer Management System.
This project will go through multiple iterations. This is part of the first iteration.
Phase 1
Case Manager
Case Manager performs several tasks for the best outcome
Case Managers need extra functionality
Paperwork has a localized place for consistency
Recording families concerns and providing resources 
Easy to use interface
Household information easily recorded
Dedicated area for capturing and saving case notes
Family Promise Roadmap
Family Promise Style Guide
Through constant conversation with the stakeholder it was decided that dark mode was the best decision from a design viewpoint to the device's conservation. 
 At this stage in the project the stockholders have approved this current design. All of the subsequent wireframes will follow this style and with the current artifacts to build out the CMS system for Family Promise Spokane.
Family Promise (Spokane) Dashboard Hi Fi Wireframe
Family Promise (Spokane) Hi Fi Wireframe Case View
Family Promise (Spokane) Hi Fi Wireframe Intake Form
This intake form will be transformed to a mock up that follows suit of the approved style guide
Next Steps
This project is an ongoing project that is still in the first phase of development. There is more planned out in terms of artifacts and design systems. Pages that are currently being created include the calendar, resources and services pages.
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